What I’m Into October 2013

Another month, another roundup. Once again, I’m linking up with Leigh Kramer.


How is October nearly over already? It’s been a busy month. PhD coursework, as it turns out, is a much bigger jump from Masters coursework than Masters was from undergrad work. But business and (slight) lack of sleep notwithstanding, it’s been a good month. I haven’t had time to read too many books for fun or watch any movies, but I’ve still baked and watched TV plenty because occasional outlets for procrastination are necessary.


I only got 3 books read for fun this month. I know, it’s shameful. They were all library books, because it’s much easier to justify taking time off to read when overdue fines are potentially hanging over my head.

  • Deception by C.J. Redwine–this was the sequel to Defiance. It was as good as the previous one, although as it turns out the book does appear to be set in a dystopian version of our world (with a gigantic underground demon/dragon/thing). It’s a bit of an odd conceit.
  • The Fault in our Stars by John Green–I’ve been on the waiting list for this book for months. The premise sounds like something out a Lurlene McDaniel novel (did anyone else torture themselves with those in high school) but it’s grittier. I can see why it’s been so successful.
  • The Fall of Five by Pittacus Lore–I loved this series, but it’s starting to drag on. I really hope the next book wraps things up.


  • I’ve been keeping up to date with new episodes of Big Bang Theory (how adorable was Howard’s song for Bernadette on the last week’s episode), Parks and Rec, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother (which is kind of dragging, by this point), Drop Dead Diva (are they finally about to bring Grayson and Jane together? I sure hope so!), and Downton Abbey (all the feels, but I’m trying not to give spoilers).
  • I’ve also been giving Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Mindy Project a try. SHIELD looks promising, but I’m not sold on the Mindy Project. There really aren’t any terribly likeable characters. Maybe they grow on people?

In the Kitchen

I created another What I’m Into Pinterest Board to showcase some of my favourite things I made this month. Since you American readers don’t have Thanksgiving until next month, I especially recommend the Cornbread and Sausage Stuffing and the Pot Pie with a Sweet Potato Crust to use up some turkey leftovers.


  • I nearly lost it laughing at this bizarre list of Puritan names
  • I loved Suzannah Paul’s thoughts on teaching consent to preschoolers.
  • I teared up at Sarah Bessey’s post on why she likes going to church. Also, less than a week until Jesus Feminist releases!
  • And finally, I recommend this post by Adam McLane on how to be a good neighbour during Halloween.


  • We didn’t have a family Thanksgiving dinner to go to this year, so we had some friends over, crammed into the attic, played games (I’m still terrible at mafia), and ate way too much food. It was a good time.
  • Convocation for the Masters degree I finished back in August was this past weekend. I have to say, it felt really weird blowing off homework to go to graduation. My aunts came to watch along with my husband, and we all went out to eat afterwards. The ceremony was as boring as those always are, but it was lovely to spend time with family afterwards. I’m looking forward to the next graduation, though, because PhD regalia is much cooler (or something. Cool might not be the right word).
  • Tomorrow, I fly out to Chicago to attend a seminar on Early Modernity in Global Perspective at the Newberry Library. I’m super pumped (and a little nervous about the border crossing passport rigmarole–it’s been years since I’ve had to do that).

That’s been October for me. Do head on over to Leigh’s website to check out some of the other link-up contributions.

14 responses to “What I’m Into October 2013

  1. I’ve read up through The Rise of Nine and need to get my hands on a copy of The Fall of Five. I gotta say, I think it is beginning to drag a bit. I think there’s supposed to be seven books? I’ve been enjoying it, but not sure how long I can hang on.

    • Seven?! I’m not entirely sure he (or she, whoever is masquerading as Pittacus) has enough material to stretch it out that far. Then again, I’m always a “hurry up and give me the happy ending” kind of girl. I never have the patience for series arcs in tv shows either.

      • Christie Esau

        Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t James Frey the author of these books? (I was just reminded of the fact that Pittacus Lore isn’t a “real” author). I think I read the first two books in the series and then gave up. Should I give the third book a try?

      • I have no idea–they’re written pseudonymously and I haven’t put much effort into finding out the author’s identity. I wouldn’t bother keeping going. Just find a few Goodreads reviews with spoilers to get the gist of the plot. They’re starting to drag a bit.

  2. ALSO! TFIOS. I’ve been in love with that book since it came out and am pretty darn excited for the movie.

  3. Of course I read Lurlene McDaniel books when I was younger! Our twinship continues. I really loved The Mindy Project initially but it’s just not hitting its stride anymore. I keep hoping it will turn around. Have such a good time in Chicago! Please eat some Lou Malnati’s pizza if you get the chance. If I’d known you were headed there, I would have given you a list of all my favorite places. But it’s pretty hard to go wrong with all that Chicago has to offer.

    • I’m still looking for food recommendations for tomorrow, if you have any. Walking distance from the Newberry library preferred. Tonight I tried Chick-Fil-A out of curiosity, since we don’t have it in Canada, but tomorrow I’ll be looking for better/more local options I think.

  4. The links you’ve listed are excellent. I especially liked Suzannah Paul’s post. Thanks for sharing them!

  5. Amanda Louise

    I can’t wait until it’s Downton time here. I’m getting antsy!

  6. justoneoftheboysblog

    Another BBT and Parks & Rec fan here! Howard’s song was soooo sweet, and I squealed out loud at Amy Farrah Fowler’s dream sequence at the end of the show! Eeeek!
    I’m a HUGE Downton fan – and I am anxious to see where all of these new plot twists are going! I hope that you have a most blessed November! Love reading all of these What I’m Into links!

  7. Christie Esau

    I’m glad that you mentioned the Lurlene McDaniel parallel with John Green. I know many die-hards and was afraid to mention it, knowing how I feel about McDaniel’s work now, but I’m glad to know that The Fault in Our Stars is a lot grittier. I really loved Looking for Alaska, so I’m excited to read another of his books!

    And congrats on your convocation! Boring ceremony indeed (my husband refused to let me bring a book to his, and I ended up playing Sudoku on my phone instead), but the regalia IS cool. Own it. It’s cool.

    • I would totally have brought a book to my own convocation had that not been a huge faux pas.

      And the resemblance between Lurlene McDaniel and TFIOS is only surface-level, thankfully. It’s much less trite and sappy (by which I mean not trite and sappy at all).

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